Bleached vs Unbleached Flour

Bleached and unbleached flour are both commonly used in baking. While bleached flour results in lighter and fluffier baked goods, unbleached flour retains more nutrients. This article explores the differences between bleached and unbleached flour to help you choose the better option.

Have you ever wondered what makes flour white and how it affects your cookies, cake, or bread? Bleached and unbleached flour may look similar but they are processed differently, containing varying amounts of nutrients. Understanding these differences will help you select the healthier option for your family’s baking needs.

Flour is a key ingredient in many baked goods. However, not all flours are created equal. In this article, we will discuss the differences between bleached and unbleached flour and how each type is processed. We’ll explore the nutritional contents and recommended uses. By the end, you will be able to make an informed choice between bleached and unbleached flour based on your baking and health needs.

What Is Bleached Flour?

Bleached flour is a type of flour that has been treated with certain chemicals to make it white in color. Normally, flour is a light brown shade from the wheat berries. But bakers wanted flour to look very white like sugar. So manufacturers began bleaching the flour to remove the brown color. They use chemicals like chlorine or benzoyl peroxide which react with the natural pigments in flour to turn it white. After bleaching, the flour does not have its natural color anymore. It now looks very pale white instead of light brown.

How Does Bleach Flour Work?

  • First, wheat berries are ground into a fine powder called flour.
  • Then this flour powder goes through a special process.
  • It is sprayed with or soaked in bleaching chemicals.
  • Common ones are chlorine gas or benzoyl peroxide.
  • The chemicals stay on the flour for some time.
  • They break down the brown colors found in the wheat bran.
  • This makes the flour lose its normal tan or light brown color.
  • After soaking, it is rinsed with water to wash off leftovers.
  • Now all the brown pigments have been removed.
  • Bleaching leaves the flour looking very white instead of tan.
  • Some vitamins and minerals are lost during bleaching.
  • But it gives the flour a lighter appearance for baking.

What Is Unbleached Flour?

Unbleached flour is the natural form of flour made directly from wheat. When wheat berries are first milled into flour, a light tan color comes out from the wheat’s natural pigments. Unbleached flour is not treated with any bleaching chemicals after milling. This means it keeps the slight brownish-beige hue of raw wheat. It has not undergone any processing to change its original color. Unbleached flour simply allows the flour to maintain the pigments found naturally in wheat for an overall healthier product.

How Does Unbleached Flour Work?

  • Wheat berries are cleaned to remove dirt and debris.
  • The wheat is ground into a powder using mills. This crushes the wheat kernels.
  • The mills sift out the outer layers (bran) and inner part (germ) of the wheat.
  • This leaves just the starchy middle (endosperm) of the wheat as a fine powder.
  • Normally this powder would be white but the wheat’s natural colors make it a light brown-beige.
  • No bleaching chemicals are added to strip colors like in regular flour.
  • The flour powder keeps its light tan tone from the wheat’s pigments.
  • It gets sifted again to make it smooth and rid of lumps.
  • Then it is packed in bags for sale without changing the color.
  • Since it is less processed, it maintains wheat’s vitamins, minerals and fiber content.
  • Bakers use it like regular flour but the flavor and nutrients come from wheat.

Main Difference Between Bleached Vs Unbleached Flour

ParameterBleached FlourUnbleached Flour
ColorWhiteTan/Light Brown
ProcessingUndergoes bleaching with chemicals like benzoyl peroxide or chlorine to strip colorNo bleaching, retains natural color from wheat
Nutritional ValueLower fiber, vitamins and minerals due to depletion during bleachingHigher fiber, iron, B vitamins and antioxidants as less processed
TextureVery fine, soft crumb that gives fluffier baked goodsDenser crumb with wheatier flavor; may yield chewier texture
Moisture RetentionCan hold moisture better, keeping baked items fresher longerMay dry out slightly faster
Shelf LifeTypically 6-9 months due to preservativesAround 4-6 months without preservatives
Common UsesCakes, cookies, pastries requiring very light textureQuick breads, yeast breads where heartier texture is preferred
Health FactorLess nutritious and nutritionally depleted through bleaching processMore nutritious due to retaining natural wheat nutrients

What Is Better Bleached Or Unbleached Flour?

Both bleached and unbleached flour can work well for baking depending on what you need. Bleached flour is good if you want your food to look very white and bright. It makes things like white cake super clean and pretty looking. Bleached flour also lets you make really fluffy things since it gets extra soft and airy during processing. So if you want super puffy pancakes or delicate cookies, bleached flour will give the best texture.

But unbleached flour can be better other times. It makes bread, muffins and crackers taste richer from the whole wheat. Baked goods come out a nice brown color too. Unbleached flour works great if you want your desserts to have extra nutritious fibers and vitamins from the whole grain. Overall both flours bake well, so choose based on needs for color, fluffiness or nutrients.

Final Thoughts

Bleached vs unbleached flour: Both bleached and unbleached flour can be used for baking. Bleached flour makes things very white and fluffy. But it loses some vitamins during processing. Unbleached flour keeps the wheat color and nutrients inside. It makes bread and muffins hearty from grains. You can choose based on what you need – bright white cakes or whole grain goodness. No matter which you pick, both flours work well in recipes. Just pay attention to getting fluffy or nutritious results.


Why is bleached flour cheap?

Most flour is bleached because it is cheaper to make. Unbleached flour takes more time and costs more money to produce. Bleaching flour does more than just make it white. It also changes the flour texture and qualities that many bakers prefer for certain recipes.

Is bleached flour bad for bread?

Bleached flour makes baking easier. Things turn out the same way each time with good texture and rise. Unbleached flour is better for bread that stays firm and solid. But for most other recipes, bleached flour works much better than the denser loaves from unbleached flour.

Which flour is best for frying?

Rice flour and cornstarch make crispier fried food than wheat flour. They don’t soak up grease or water as much during cooking. That’s why rice flour is good for tempura. It gives a very thin, crispy and not greasy outside on the food.